Folgende Bücher und andere Literatur über den Bogensport sind im BV Bern vorhanden oder können Online bestellt werden:
Bogenschiessen – Trainingswissenschaftliche Grundlagen, 1. Edition Von: Oliver Haidn, J. Weineck Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 3-934211-08-9 Details: Ein Buch, welches sehr tief in die Trainingswissenschaft eintaucht. Für den gelegentlichen Tuner und Fun-Schütze wohl zu detailiert; für den ambitionierten und arbeitswilligen Sportler aber eine Perle! Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer, Heiner Widmer
Bogenschiessen – Trainingswissenschaftliche Grundlagen, 2. Edition Von: Oliver Haidn, J. Weineck Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 3938509740 Details: Eine massive Erweiterung des vorgängigen Buches. Viele Details und sehr tiefgreifende Methoden und Analythik. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer, Heiner Widmer
Archery – The Art of repetition Von: Simon S. Needham Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 978-1-86126-869 Details: Written by an acknowledged expert. The author analyses shooting techniques and tuning, and also emphasizes the development of mental toughness; he argues that this goes hand in hand with the mastery of the physical aspects of the sport. This comprehensive guide to shooting covers: how to get started in archery, the costs involved, choosing and using equipment and the basics of shooting; setting up your equipment and initial tuning; the biomechanics of shooting; the tactics and preparation work involved in archery competitions; physical fitness, nutrition and psychology; arrow selection and preparation; making bowstrings; and shooting techniques, improving performance and the fine-tuning of equipment. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
1001 motivational messages and quotes Von: Bruce Eamon Brown Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 1-58518-377-6 Details: Coach and best-selling author Bruce Brown builds on the words of wit and wisdom of his powerful first collection of motivational messages with another 1001 sayings to move, motivate and inspire. Another 1001 Motivational Messages and Quotes offers organized quotes on the seven essentials of great teams: Leadership, guiding principles, pride, communication, motivation, persistence, and positive attitude. The quotes and messages are from such renowned coaches and athletes as Vince Lombardi, Paul „Bear“ Bryant, Tiger Woods, Muhammad Ali, and Mike Krzyzewski, and such notable writers and world figures as Ralph Waldo Emerson, George Washington, Billy Graham, and Albert Einstein. Ideal for coaches, athletes, teachers, parents and team leaders in any environment. A wonderful book that is sure to be referenced again and again. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
The simple art of winnning – How to shoot your best Von: Rick McKinney Sprache: Englisch ISBN: n/a ( Details: Rick’s famous instructional book on how to shoot archery. Covers form, techinque, equipment, physical training and the most detailed explanation of mental training for all archers. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Archery Anatomy Von: Ray Axford Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-28563265-5 Details: Knowledge of the interrelationship between the anatomy of the human body and the anatomy of the bow is fundamental in improving archery skill and technique. The detailed drawings and the clear, descriptive text in this book explain how the skeleton and muscles should be used to improve overall performance in a natural way without artificial or coached movements. A primer for coaches and performers as well as an analysis of the sport itself, this guide provides an understanding of the sport without emphasizing any national or international rules, useful to archers throughout the world. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Precision Archery Von: Steve Ruis & Claudia Stevenson Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-7360-4634-8 Details: Key features of this title: show how archers adjust to weather and terrain conditions; provide expert instruction from top archery coaches and intructors; include advice on selecting equipment, bow tuning and set-up, arrow tuning and testing and maintaining equipment; and more. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Core Archery – Shooting With Proper Back Tension Von: Larry Wise Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-913305-18-9 Details: Core Archery is a complete system of archery shooting form, presented here as the sequence of proper mental and physical actions required to launch an arrow to the target center. It consists of only the necessary and sufficient action needed, and it has been validated by numerous archers. Most important, when you learn Core Archery, you’ll be able to repeat your form. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Fitness für Bogenschützen Von: Jens Mellies Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: 3-8334-1717-X Details: Eine wichtige Hilfestellung für das Training des erfolgreichen Bogenschützen. Übungsgruppen für Kraft und Beweglichkeit (besonders im Nacken- und Schulterbereich), für Ausdauer, Koordination, Atem und mentale Stärke bieten für den Bogenschützen die optimale Ergänzung. 52 verschiedene Übungen mit 107 Abbildungen. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
With winning in mind Von: Larry Bassham Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 1-885221-47-9 Details: Lanny Bassham is an Olympic Gold medalist, two time World Champion and an Olympic Coach. Today, Lanny Bassham is recognized as „the“ teacher of the world’s best in the area of mental preparation for competition. In this book, you will learn what Lanny Bassham teaches the Olympic teams of over 10 nations, Fortune 500 companies, the US Navy SEALS and the US Secret Service. Learn what the Olympians know. Winning is in the mind Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Archery – Basic illustrated Von: Neth L. Habeishi & Stephanie Mallory Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 978-0-7627-4765-6 Details: Teaches the basics of equipment and gear, safety, technique, care and maintenance, target shooting, competition, and background history of archery. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Archery – Steps to success Von: Kathleen Haywood & Catherine Lewis Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-7360-5542-8 Details: Archery: Steps to Success is excellent as a course text or a self-instruction guide. Either way, this unique progression of skills will help readers get started quickly, make steady progress, and proceed at their own pace. In this book, 18 steps (chapters) explain why each concept or skill is important, identify keys to correct technique, help archers correct common errors, explain how to practise each skill in realistic ways, list specific performance goals for each drill, and provide, checklists for evaluating proper technique. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Tuning your Compound bow – 4th edition Von: Larry Wise Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-913305-19-7 Details: Includes chapters on tuning single cam and tuning super cam bows and on making, serving, and repairing cables and bowstrings. Details the workings of the bow, arrow selection, and shoot testing. Lots of illustrations. 146 page Paperback. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Field Archery – A complete guide Von: Michael Hamlett-Wood Sprache: Englisch ISBN: 0-7090-6991-X Details: Field Archery is the definitive guide to this increasingly popular and highly enjoyable form of archery which involves simulated hunting of ‚big game‘, using 3D targets, in woodland or on rough ground. The author, a qualified instructor with over thirty years‘ experience in field archery, discusses the fundamentals of the sport such as: learning the various techniques of shooting a bow, organizing an archery ground; the different types of targets; repairing equipment; and setting up the wide variety of bows used; and the rules of the regulating organizations. Also included are descriptions of field archery competition which help to give a flavour of this extremely rewarding and satisfying sport for which no great level of fitness is required and which is suitable for all ages. Michael Hamlett-Wood has distilled his many years of experience and knowledge into Field Archery. It is an indispensable guide for all those contemplating field archery as well as for those already involved. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer
Bogenschiessen – verstehen heisst siegen von: Al Henderson Sprache: Deutsch ISBN: – Details: Ob man einen Bogen mit oder ohne Visier schießt: Hendersons wertvolle Tipps für die mentale Einstellung sind universell anwendbar. Ein Klassiker im Bogensport, der sich lohnt. Wissenschaftliche Informationen findet man nicht, dafür mentale und sportliche Tipps. Flüssig geschrieben, leichte Lektüre zum immer wieder lesen für das Verinnerlichen der Inhalte. Vorhanden bei: Thomas Rufer